What is IPL and how does it work?
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) uses warm gentle pulses of light to put the hair to sleep, preventing it from growing back for up to six months*. With Lumea, women typically see a 92% hair reduction after just three treatments**.
*Median hair reductions after 12 treatments: 86% on lower legs, 70% on bikini, 67% on armpits
**Measured on legs, after 3 treatments, 27 out of 55 women reach 92% or higher results
Is IPL suitable for me?
Lumea IPL 7000 is effective on naturally dark blonde, brown and black hair and on skin tones from very white to dark brown. As with other IPL-based treatments Lumea cannot be used to treat white, grey, light blonde or red hair and is not suitable for very dark skin.

Your step by step guide to Lumea treatments

Step 1
Remove hair by shaving, epilating or waxing

Step 2
Select the right setting for your skin tone using the SmartSkin sensor.

Step 3
Hold Lumea at a 90 degree angle and press the flash button.

Step 4
Start moving Lumea across the treatment area by either holding down the flash button, or pressing when needed.
With you every step of the way
The free Lumea IPL app features personalised treatment programs, adaptive scheduling and tips and tricks for getting long-lasting smooth skin even more easily