12 Hair Removal Tips for Sensitive Skin Types
Did you know that hair removal can actually be good for your sensitive skin? Well, sort of. While it might not always feel like it, hair removal helps keep your skin happy and healthy by keeping your skin clear of any unnecessary buildup. There’s a catch, though: the typical methods of hair removal are quite harsh on sensitive skin. In general, they involve chemicals or solutions that exfoliate or remove hairs with a high degree of friction, which is problematic for redness-prone individuals. However, there are several strategies you can adopt to reduce the irritation and pain associated with hair removal — especially if you have sensitive skin. If you're reading this probably because you have sensitive skin and struggle to cope with the aftermath of shaving, waxing or laser hair removal sessions. If so, we’ve got some great advice from expert skincare professionals that will help you get through it a little more easily next time around.
Shaving: Don’t do it!
Exfoliating, pulling, and scraping all have a place in a skincare routine, but there’s absolutely no reason to scrape your face with a razor. There is no scientific evidence that shows skin benefits from shaving. In fact, it causes irritation, ingrown hairs, and bacterial buildup. So, if you’re not shaving to change your look, stop immediately. If you have sensitive skin, hair removal is probably not the best option for you. In fact, if you have very sensitive skin, you should avoid it at all costs because it could cause damage to your skin.
Waxing: Use a foam instead of wax.
If you absolutely have to wax, then choose a wax that uses a softening solution, such as a pre-wax oil, or a softening or cooling gel. These products will help to reduce the amount of pain you experience during the waxing session. If a wax is your only option, make sure to use a cloth strip instead of a paper strip. Cloth strips are less abrasive and cause less irritation than paper strips.
Laser Hair Removal: Find a dermatologist that uses ND-Yag lasers.
If hair removal is something you absolutely must do, then find a dermatologist who uses an ND-Yag laser for hair removal. This laser targets melanin in the hair follicles, as well as epidermal melanin, which makes it gentle to the surrounding skin. If you find a dermatologist who uses this method, you should be able to go a little longer between skin treatments than you would otherwise. ND-Yag lasers are expensive, but if you’re serious about removing your hair, it’s worth it.
If you have sensitive skin, it’s important to be careful when removing your hair, as you may experience irritation, redness, and pain as a result. To reduce the risk of experiencing these symptoms, use a softening solution, such as a pre-wax oil, or a softening or cooling gel, when waxing. If you absolutely have to use a razor, use an exfoliating toner before shaving to remove excess dirt and bacteria from the skin, which could clog the pores, making irritation even worse. And, if you’re serious about laser hair removal, find a dermatologist who uses ND-Yag lasers for hair removal.